Logo Advocacy Associates of the Hudson Valley
Photo of children holding chalkboards that spell out the word school

Advocacy Associates of the Hudson Valley

With over 30 years of combined experience, we are uniquely qualified to help parents navigate the special education process. Our experience has been gained through our own children, the oldest having graduated college, as well as through assisting many other families over the years, coupled with our extensive training, makes us well equipped to help you. We know how our clients feel because we have walked in their shoes.

Who We Are

Chalkboard reading K E Y Knowledge Empowers You

Advocacy Associates of the Hudson Valley, LLC is a special education advocacy services business whose mission is to empower parents of children who are struggling in school by providing support and educating them on how to advocate for their child.

We will help you...

  • Understand the special education process and regulations
  • Assist you in getting the education and services that your child needs
  • By providing information and support whether your child’s challenges are with learning, behavior, or physical/health needs
  • Understand your child’s IEP/504 plan, how to determine if it is appropriate and to make sure it is being implemented properly

Logo Advocacy Associates of the Hudson Valley

Our logo is made up of our own children’s five hands as they are all our inspiration. Each one has a disability, some mild, some more challenging, all have had an IEP for school. We used their exact handprints in the color of their choosing, with one handprint coming out with two different colors, unique, like its creator.

We understand what our clients are going through because we have been there ourselves, with additional years of training specifically in special education rules and regulations, advocacy, as well as various disabilities and best practices, in addition to our own personal experiences.

We understand what our clients are going through because we have been there ourselves. While other professionals might have training in whatever discipline they may have studied, our training is specifically in special education rules and regulations, advocacy, and various disabilities and disorders, as well as our own personal experiences.

Our Advocates

Photo of founder Donna M Fascaldi

Phone: (845) 562.2900

Email: [email protected]

Donna M. Fascaldi

Founder/ Co-Director Advocacy Associates of the Hudson Valley, LLC
Educational Advocate

With over 20 years of experience advocating for other children as well as her own, Donna Fascaldi, saw that many parents needed a place to get advocacy support, information and services. Over the past 10 years, she has been on a mission to gain information and knowledge about the regulations and laws as well as many different areas of special education.

“I didn’t set out to be a special education advocate, it kind of found me. After advocating for my own three children for over 10 years, I took a workshop series on Lay Advocacy for Families. I took this training to help my own children. However, when I was in the classes every week, I realized that the parents there needed more help and answers than could be provided in their limited time in that program. I found I was compelled to help them, as I had experienced many of the struggles they were facing.

Over the next five years, I took many workshops and seminars, including Wrightslaw Training Programs relating to special education law and procedures, as well as, many types of learning challenges and disabilities. I was looking for and learning as much as I could on best practices, use of technology and other ways to help advocate for children with learning challenges and other special needs. During that time, I continued to help families navigate the special education process through being a parent member for my school district for CSE and CPSE meetings, a Parent to Parent support parent, and many other ways. I continued to read and research so that I could be as knowledgeable as possible and strive to expand on that knowledge daily.”

Photo of co-director Denise Green

Phone: (845) 562.2900

Email: [email protected]

Denise Green

Co-Director Advocacy Associates of the Hudson Valley, LLC
Educational Advocate
Parent Training Coordinator
Parent Training Information Specialist

Denise Green has a child with special needs and has been advocating for her own children and others for over ten years. She has assisted parents in gaining appropriate services and placement for their child and conducts numerous workshops that are geared towards teaching parents how to navigate the special education process, as well as, how to become a better advocate for their own child.

“As a Parent Training and Information Specialist for the past seven years, I have seen first-hand the power of knowledge and advocacy. Over the years I have taught parents how to read, interpret and use their child’s evaluations and reports to assist them in getting appropriate supports and services for their child.

I have developed and presented many workshops on educational advocacy and special education law that taught parents how to navigate the special education system, as well as how to read and use the NYS rules and regulations regarding special education. I have provided parents of children with disabilities with information about their educational rights and responsibilities, in addition to connecting them to a network of parents and professionals throughout the area for support and additional services as needed.”